Friday, July 31, 2015

Easy Weight Loss Diet Tips Tamil

Weight loss diet Tamil

Here are some of the easy weight loss diet tips tamil medicine, which can prove helpful for you to lose weight easily within few weeks. These tips are without any side effects and the only thing you need to do is make a slight change in your life style! Just try this Wight loss tips in Tamil maruthuvam suggestion. For more, visit you tube video weight loss diet plan in Tamil

Breakfast - the most important meal of the day: It has been proved that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps us to control our weight also. One who wants to lose weight should never skip the breakfast. Taking a healthy and nutritious breakfast will make you feel energetic and you will not feel hungry right through the day.

Skipping meals is not a good idea: Many people have the misconception that if they don’t take meals, then it will be easy for them to lose weight. But it is not true. Taking regular meals are helpful to shed calories more effectively. Just you need to remember is avoiding eating more oily, fatty and sugary food. This type of food can be helpful to weight gain

Adopt fruits and vegetables diet: Weight loss diet in Tamil medicine always suggests to eat more fruits and vegetables.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are very rich in fiber. They are less in calories and fats. Fruits and veggies help us to lose weight easily without many efforts. Also the vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables keep your body healthy and fit. Fruits play a vital role in 7day weight loss tips in Tamil.

Lead an active life style: Keeping your body active is very essential if you wish to reduce your weight. Regularly follow some exercises to keep your body fit. Regular exercise can burn extra calories from your body and keeps the body in shape. Swimming, jogging, cycling, aerobics or walking are some of the exercises which can be helpful in weight reduction program.

Water is helpful for weight loss: Try to drink at least eight glasses of water in a day. Water will suppress your extra hunger and make you feel full. Drinking warm water regularly can give you desired effects in less time.

Fiber rich food: Fibrous food is very helpful for shedding weight. The fiber rich food makes you feel full. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Along with it oats, whole grain bread, brown rice, beans, peas are the rich source of fiber.

Avoid junk food: Even though junk food is tasty, it helps you a lot to put on weight. The food like chocolates, biscuits, chips, soft drinks, canned food can prove harmful to your body and also they prove as a hurdle in weight reducing plan. Instead give preference to fruits, fruits juices, popcorn, dry fruits etc.

Say no to alcohol: Alcohol contains a very big amount of calories which can lead to quick weight gain. So it is better to avoid alcohol when you are trying to lose weight. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tamil easy weight loss tips at home

This is Tamil easy weight loss tips at home. You need lot of patience and determination to lose and control your weight with easy weight loss tips without exercise and diet. Here are some weight loss tips in Tamil language medicine which you can easily try at home and reduce weight within few months. The first and most important thing to reduce weight is drink plenty of water. One of the effective stomach weight loss in Tamil medicine is water therapy. It is necessary to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. Water can flush out harmful toxins from the body and stimulates metabolism naturally leading to weight loss. Tamil Yoga suggest many Tamil weight loss programs to reduce body weight and belly.

Green tea for weight loss in Tamil ayurveda : Drink two cups of green tea per day to reduce excess cholesterol. Green tea with ginger is effective remedy to lose weight. It can boost the metabolism naturally and wash out the harmful toxins from the body. The amino acid present in green tea can reduce the stress level and gives you relaxation effect. Ginger can also help digestion and regulate the appetite. While boiling green tea, add ginger in it. Before consuming you can add a spoon of honey in it for better taste.

Lemon juice for weight loss in Tamil ayurveda: Lemon juice with honey in warm water at night can reduce your body fat.

Drink a mixture made with black pepper powder and lemon juice to reduce weight effectively. Black pepper is loaded with piperine which can control the fat cells and it can also reduce the stored fat in the blood stream and body. Lemon juice can regulate digestion. Mix lemon juice in warm water and sprinkle some black pepper powder in it. Mix well and consume this spicy mixture twice a day after meals. You can see the results within few months.
Bottle gourd juice is famous for weight reduction. The fiber present in bottle gourd can suppress the hunger and thus helps you to reduce weight. Grind and squeeze out fresh bottle gourd juice and consume it whenever you feel hungry. You can add little lemon juice for extra benefits and taste.

Consuming apple daily can keep the weight under control. Apples are loaded with fiber which can control your hunger and it can also regulate the blood sugar level effectively. Apples are also helpful to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. The major benefit of apple is it can control the unnecessary water retention in the body and thus your water weight is reduced fast.

Excess stress can help the weight gain so try out yoga and meditation for relaxation and stress release. It is necessary to take 7-8 hours sound sleep if you wish to reduce weight.

Avoid eating before going to bed, during sleep body metabolism is very low so eating night time can help to gain lot of weight.
Drink cinnamon tea twice a day. Cinnamon can not only control the blood sugar lever but also reduces appetite effectively. Dip a cinnamon stick in boiling water, allow it to set for 10 minutes and then filter and drink the warm cup of cinnamon tea for very good effects.

Every morning chew and eat 10-15 fresh curry leaves on empty stomach. It is the very good remedy suggested in ayurveda to control obesity as well as diabetes. Mahanimbine present in curry leaves can give anti-obesity effect for our body. It can also reduce the cholesterol level in the body.

Eat 2-3 fresh tomatoes every morning on empty stomach along with the peel and seeds. Tomatoes provide a very good amount of dietary fiber to your body. Consumption of tomatoes is healthy for body and it can also protect you from cancer.